Book 2 – Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter is now quite familiar
with the wizarding world, the community and government of magic folks that
exists right alongside the “Muggle,” or non-magic, one. After the school year
lets out at Hogwarts, Harry spends another miserable summer with the Dursleys.
It’s Harry’s birthday, and nobody has remembered it. Not even Ron or Hermione
have written him all summer or sent him a card. Things are only going to get
Harry’s shrieky Aunt Petunia sends
him outside to pull weeds, mow the grass and other chores in anticipation of a
dinner party with Mr. Mason, a potential client of Uncle Vernon’s drill
company, and Mr. Mason’s wife. While he is out there, he sits and thinks about
the awful day he is having, with no one remembering his birthday. He swears he
sees big green eyes peering out at him from the bushes, but he’s not entirely
When dinner arrives, Harry is
confined to his bedroom. A strange creature with big eyes like car headlights,
a squeaky voice and strange fractured dialect appears. He is dressed in only a
pillowcase. He says his name is Dobby and he is a house elf. (He serves the
Malfoy family.) He was the owner of the green eyes looking at Harry from the
Dursley bushes.
He is very humble, to the point that
he bangs his head against the wall when he’s sorry for something or cries a
river in a very loud voice. Harry must rush to quiet Dobby down or get in
trouble with Vernon! Dobby tells Harry that he must not go to Hogwarts this
year, or he will be in great danger. He admits that he has intercepted all of
Harry’s mail during the summer and dumps out a number of crumpled envelopes.
Many are from Ron and Hermione.
Harry will not listen, so Dobby
levitates Aunt Petunia’s prized pineapple upside down cake and lets it drop to
the floor. Harry is immediately blamed after Dobby leaves. His guardians scold
him severely, and lock him in his room. On top of that, an owl letter arrives from
the Ministry of Magic warning him that he could be expelled from Hogwarts
because minors are not allowed to do magic outside of school.
Uncle Vernon locks Harry into his
room, vowing that he will never come out, and never go to Hogwarts. The next
day he has a man put bars on his window. A small pet door is installed in his
door so Petunia can give him his three meals a day – one of them is an open can
of cold soup.
In the middle of the night, he is
awakened by what looks like Ron’s face at the window. It is – Ron and his twin
brothers, Fred and George, have come in their dad’s old Ford Anglia to rescue
Harry. Mr. Weasley has put a spell on it so it can fly through the air! They
use the car to pull the bars off the window and load Harry’s trunk into the
vehicle. When they are about to leave, the forgotten Hedwig screeches and wakes
up Uncle Vernon. He rushes to Harry’s room and grabs his leg as he tries to
leave with Hedwig. The Weasleys pull harder, however, and Harry and the owl end
up in the car. They’re off.
The Weasley boys take him to The
Burrow, their family home near the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. Molly
Weasley scolds her boys for taking the old turquoise Ford to get Harry because
Muggles could have seen them. Harry doesn’t mind the overcrowded house or
watching Mrs. Weasley run her busy household and use magic to do her housework.
He doesn’t mind the ghoul in the
attic who moans and bangs things when he thinks it’s too quiet. He doesn’t mind
helping Ron and his brothers clean the little bald, brown gnomes out of the
garden. He is fascinated by the kitchen clock, which has chores at the places
where there should be the hours. The only irritation is Ginny Weasley, the
youngest, who is excited about starting at Hogwarts and who idolizes Harry.
Harry learns that Arthur Weasley
works for the Ministry of Magic’s Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. The
Weasley dad is constantly breaking his own laws, bringing home Muggle items,
dismantling and enchanting them. The Anglia car is one prime example. Arthur is
also very interested in Muggle machines and things – he asks Harry that if
during the time he went in a London subway station he rode an “escapator.”
The family uses “floo” powder to
magically travel from their fireplace to ones in Diagon Alley, where they can
buy their school supplies. Harry accidentally lands in Borgin & Burkes, a
shop in the frightening Knockturn Alley that sells Dark Arts supplies. He
overhears Lucius Malfoy selling some Dark Arts items from his household, so he
can avoid a raid by Mr. Weasley’s office. Draco keeps bugging his dad to buy
him something, such as the Hand of Glory, a severed hand that holds a candle
and lights the way only for its owner. Lucius plans to buy Draco only a racing
After the Malfoys leave and Borgin
goes into a back room, Harry escapes. He is terrified at the sights along
Knockturn Alley – shrunken heads, poisonous candles and big black spiders in
shop windows, a witch selling whole fingernails on a tray. Harry encounters
Hagrid, who was there to buy a flesh-eating slug repellent. He takes Harry to
Diagon Alley. 

While purchasing his textbooks at
Flourish & Blotts, he runs into his future Defense Against the Dark Arts
professor. He is Gilderoy Lockhart – vain, blond, grinning, clad in fancy designer
robes and author of numerous books on tracking monsters. He quickly hauls Harry
into a photo of him for The Daily Prophet, the wizards’ newspaper.
When school arrives, Arthur Weasley
takes everyone in the Anglia to King’s Cross Station to board at Platform 9 3/4
The car has been enchanted to hold the big family and Harry. Everyone except
Ron and Harry makes it through the invisible entrance to the platform. ***Dobby
is trying to prevent Harry returning to Hogwarts and has blocked the doorway
with his entire body.
They finally decide they can take
the flying Ford Anglia to Hogwarts. Ron and Harry glide through the sky,
enjoying the scenery and watching the Hogwarts Express steam north.
Unfortunately, when they land, they do so on the Whomping Willow, the most
dangerous tree in the Forbidden Forest. The tree’s long tentacles attack the
car, which reacts violently, falling down to the ground, dumping out its
passengers and luggage, and running off into the woods.
Ron faces expulsion – and Harry a
second time – but Assistant Headmistress Minerva McGonagall lets them off with
a warning. Mrs. Weasley sends an owl letter in a bright red envelope, and Ron
braces himself. It’s a Howler, a letter that screams or scolds the recipient
when it is opened. Ron’s mom’s voice rips through the air about the car.
Harry’s year is only going to get
more rough...
Colin Creevey, a first year from
Gryffindor, worships Harry and has started a fan club for him. Ginny is not far
behind. Potions Professor Severus Snape again leans on him and Gryffindor
House, taking points away at will. The points are important, because the house
with the most wins the House Cup at the end of the year.
Draco Malfoy gets his digs in on
Harry. He calls Hermione a “Mudblood,” because she was born to non-magic
parents. He ridicules Ron for coming from a poor family (just about all of
Ron’s stuff is hand-me-downs from his brothers). A plump, teenage ghost named
Moaning Myrtle whines in the girls’ bathroom. A story is circulating about a
legendary room called the Chamber of Secrets, created by Hogwarts co-founder
Salazar Slytherin, that will be opened by his last heir. Could it get worse?
Yes, it can. A series of strange
"petrifyings" begins, in which Mrs. Norris, caretaker Argus Filch’s
cat, faculty, students, and even ghosts are frozen in a stiff, coma-like state.
Harry is creeped out when he hears a voice inside Hogwarts’ walls, muttering
about killing and injuring. Someone is killing the roosters residing on the
Hogwarts grounds. They have written messages in blood on the castle walls, such
as "The Chamber Has Been Opened," and "Enemies of the Heir,
Harry becomes the prime suspect in
the incidents. Spiders begin to swarm around windows and seem to be fleeing
Lockhart is all over, promoting his
books, and acting as if he is better than anyone else. He proves to be a fraud
when he cannot control the smallest of creatures, such as pixies, and instead
of mending Harry's broken arm, he disintegrates all the bones.
Lockhart tries to start a dueling
club. He pits Harry against Draco. The latter utters a spell to send a big
black snake against Harry, who recoils. The snake starts going toward another
boy, and Harry yells at it. That suddenly stops the reptile. Everyone is
terrified, even though the snake was stopped. Unknowingly, Harry spoke to the
snake in Parseltongue, its own language. This makes Harry even more of a
suspect in the stunnings. Harry begins to wonder if the Sorting Hat were
correct in sending him to Gryffindor. What if he were the heir of Slytherin and
should be in the same house as Draco?
After the Parseltongue incident,
McGonagall takes Harry to Dumbledore's office. The Sorting Hat is in the
office, and he asks it if it really put him into the right house. The hat reminds
him that he could have done great things in Slytherin. That only unnerves Harry
even more. Harry is further disturbed when a weak old bird in Dumbledore’s
office suddenly bursts into flames and burns up. He apologizes to the old
wizard, hoping he doesn’t get blamed for the bird’s “demise.”
Dumbledore tells him the bird is his
pet phoenix named Fawkes. The phoenix, a legendary bird dating to ancient
times, burns itself when it dies and is reborn in its own ashes. Sure enough,
there is a newborn bird in the soot.
Harry and other students in Professor
Sprout’s Herbology class race against the clock to raise mandrakes, loud,
human-like plants that Madam Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse, will use to make an
antidote for the petrified people and ghosts. Pomfrey’s hospital wing becomes
crowded with victims the more time passes.
While many Hogwarts students suspect
Harry, he and his friends believe Draco is the person behind the stunnings and
rooster murders. Hermione, always very good at potion making, creates
Polyjuice, a mixture that will turn a person into the likeness of another for
one hour. The potion works when a hair or other part of the person (such as
skin) is placed into it, and then drunk.
Harry and Ron become Crabbe and
Goyle, Draco’s bodyguards, to go to Slytherin house quarters to find out if he
is the one. ***However, Draco says he is not the heir, but wishes that the heir
rids Hogwarts of all Mudbloods, and his father will eject Dumbledore from the
***Poor Hermione, who drinks the
potion to assume Slytherin Millicent Bulstrode's appearance, accidentally puts
a cat hair into her mix and turns partially feline! She spends several weeks in
the hospital wing to recover.
Eventually Harry finds a magic diary
that may have clues to identify the real perpetrator in the stunnings. He finds
that by writing in it, the original keeper, Tom Riddle, will write back. The
diary additionally allows the reader to magically become parts of recreations
of the past.
In one such sequence, Harry finds
out why Hagrid was expelled in Hogwarts. Some huge, black, furry pet he owned
was blamed for similar stunning murders of several students 50 years before.
Harry also sees a younger Albus Dumbledore, who is professor of
Transfiguration. Tom Riddle finds out about Hagrid’s pet and reports him to
Headmaster Armando Dippet. He receives a special award for saving the school.
Dobby eventually reveals that he has
repeatedly tried to prevent Harry from going to Hogwarts because he knew the
Malfoys were aware the Chamber of Secrets would be opened. ***Draco left the diary
out deliberately so Ginny would find it and start the process to open the
chamber up.
Ron and Harry use the latter’s
Invisibility Cloak to sneak over to Hagrid’s hut. They begin to ask him about
the expulsion incident, but they are interrupted by voices. Dumbledore enters
the cottage, along with Cornelius Fudge, head of the British Ministry of Magic.
They inform Hagrid that he has been placed on temporary suspension and will be
removed from the Hogwarts grounds. This action is based on what happened 50
years ago.
Lucius Malfoy arrives. He informs
Hagrid, Fudge and Dumbledore that he has signatures from all 12 members of the
Hogwarts board of governors on an order suspending Dumbledore. The headmaster
is being held responsible for not protecting the school from the attacks.
After the visitors leave, Hagrid
suggests if Ron and Harry want to find the heir of Slytherin, they should
follow the fleeing spiders. Soon after, on another night, Ron and Harry use the
Invisibility Cloak to return to the Forbidden Forest.
The running creatures lead them deep
into the forest. There they meet Aragog, a giant black talking spider called an
acromantula. Aragog was Hagrid’s pet and was the animal falsely accused of
attacking the people 50 years ago. Hagrid protected him and put him into the
forest and gave him a mate named Mahog. They and their huge family live in the
Though Ron and Harry tell the spider
they are Hagrid’s friend, Aragog says that unfortunately he and his family will
still eat them. As the legions of arachnids advance, a pair of lights and a
beeping sound rush toward them. It’s the old Weasley Ford Anglia, still running
around the woods. It rescues the boys and takes them back to the school.
Dumbledore is suspended and will
have to leave.
***Harry and Ron set out to find the
Chamber of Secrets and confront the monster that dwells there. Hermione, just
before she was stunned, had a slip of paper in her hand identifying the
creature – a basilisk, a giant snake whose gaze can permanently kill someone if
they are not treated. Harry realizes that was why he was hearing a voice in the
walls – it was the snake traveling through the plumbing, muttering about
killing. He understood its words because he knows Parseltongue. The reason
roosters were being killed also now makes sense – the birds can detect a
basilisk’s presence. A basilisk also is a spider’s natural enemy, so they were
trying to flee it.
***They first go to Lockhart for
help in fighting the basilisk. However, they find him quickly packing up his
stuff for a quick getaway. He tells them he can’t help them. Harry tells him he
knows he is a fraud. Lockhart admits it and shrugs. They grab him and push him
toward the restroom that Moaning Myrtle haunts.
***The boys have realized she was
killed there. She reveals that she saw Riddle come into the bathroom by the
sink. The last thing she saw was a pair of green eyes, and then she was dead.
The basilisk obivously felled her. Riddle opened a doorway by the sink, marked
with a small image of a serpent. Lockhart is useless in opening the door. Harry
says “open” in Parseltongue, and they are admitted.
***Going down the passageway to the
Chamber of Secrets, they find a very long snakeskin. Lockhart tries to attack
Ron and Harry so he will get the honor of rescuing Ginny and killing the
basilisk. He tries to attack with his wand, but Harry ejects it form his hand
with the "Expelliarmus"' spell. Lockhart then swipes Ron’s wand and
says he will put a memory erasing spell on the boys, defeat the Basilisk and
collect the reward. However, Ron’s old, taped-up wand is defective, and it
backfires at Lockhart, giving him total amnesia.
***Harry at last arrives in the
Chamber. Ginny is lying on the ground, unconscious. An image of a teenaged boy
with black hair is also standing there by the girl. He sees a statue of Salazar
Slytherin that looks almost monkey-like. Harry recognizes the boy as Tom Riddle
but does not understand what he is. He is a projection from the diary, he
explains. He turns malevolent as he tells Harry he will destroy him. He says
they have much in common – two orphans with Muggle blood. He tells Harry that
Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets and let the basilisk slither through
Hogwarts’ pipes and stun people. Ginny also was the one who strangled the
school roosters and wrote bloody messages on the walls.
***Tom Marvolo Riddle grew up to
become Lord Voldemort. He changed his name, which he hated because his father
was a Muggle who abandoned him and his mother. Riddle gets hold of Harry’s wand
and puts it into his pocket. He opens the Slytherin statue, and the Basilisk
begins to come out of the stone wizard’s mouth. The giant serpent starts
closing in on him.
***Harry sees a flash of red and
gold and sees that it’s Fawkes the phoenix! The bird is carrying the old
Sorting Hat in his beak. Tom Riddle mocks Dumbledore for sending "a
songbird and an old hat." Fawkes goes after the basilisk, blinding it with
his talons and beak. Riddle screams at the snake to guide it toward Harry.
Harry, worried about the danger around him, puts the hat on his head and asks
it what to do. An old sword drops out of the hat onto his head.
***The Basilisk, egged on by Riddle,
attacks Harry, who stabs it in the mouth with the sword. The blow is fatal to
the snake, but it also sinks a poisonous fang into his arm. The snake falls and
dies, making Riddle scream. Harry also drops to the floor, weakened by the
snake fang. Riddle exults triumphly about how the end of “famous Harry Potter”
is near.
***But Fawkes flies over him and
cries. The bird’s tears fall on him and heal him – this is a special quality of
phoenix tears. Fawkes brings the diary to Harry. Riddle raises Harry's own wand
to make a final attack.
***Harry picks up the basilisk’s
fang that fell out of his wound to the floor. He stabs it into the diary, which
gushes black ink just like blood from a bad wound. The Riddle projection
writhes, screams and fades.
***Ginny wakes up. She is crying and
contrite over ever getting involved with Riddle’s diary. Harry takes her back
through the hallway to Ron. Lockhart is also there, totally clueless about his
identity or why he is even there. Fawkes guides them to McGonagall's office.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Dumbledore are there.
***The Weasleys are relieved that
Ginny is OK. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Lockhart are covered with dirty, and their
clothes are torn.
***Dumbledore’s suspension has been
lifted. He tells Harry that the sword that fell out of the Sorting Hat belonged
to Godric Gryffindor. He adds that Harry couldn’t possibly be the heir of
Slytherin – the fact that Gryffindor’s sword fell out of the hat is something
that could happen only to a true Gryffindor. (The Sorting Hat itself also once
belonged to Gryffindor.) Dumbledore remarks that greater wizards than Ginny
"have been hoodwinked by Voldemort."
***Ginny also is forgiven and
informed that she will be able to return to Hogwarts next year. Mrs. Weasley
warns Ginny that she should have never tried the diary, that you should never
trust anything if you can't see where its brain is.
***At the end of the year, Lucius
Malfoy is angry about Dobby’s performance as a house elf. Harry hands Riddle’s
diary to him wrapped in one of Harry’s smelly old socks handed down from the
Dursleys. Disgusted, Mr. Malfoy throws the sock at Dobby, who picks it up. It
was a trick. Any time a house elf owner gives a piece of clothing to their
little servant, it automatically frees them. Dobby is out of Malfoy bondage,
thanks to Harry. Mr. Malfoy yells that Harry should pay him for the lost elf,
but Dumbledore intervenes.
***The bravery shown by the
Gryffindor members once again means they have won the House Cup. The year ends,
and he goes home to another awful summer with the Dursleys.
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