1: Down the Rabbit-Hole

The rabbit-hole suddenly goes
straight down and Alice falls into it. She falls very slowly and while she is
talking to herself she falls asleep. Suddenly she lands on a heap of sticks and
dry leaves and the fall is over. She sees the White Rabbit running in front of
her through a long passage and she continues to follow him.
When she turns the corner the Rabbit
is gone and Alice finds herself in a long, low hall, with doors all round it.
She tries them, but they are all locked. Then she comes upon a little
three-legged table on which a little golden key lies. The key fits in a little
door behind a curtain and when she opens it she sees that it leads into a small
passage. At the end of the passage Alice sees a beautiful garden. She really
wants to get into the garden, but she is too big to fit through the door.
When she goes back to the table she
finds a little bottle on it with the words ‘Drink me’ printed on the label.
Alice drinks from it and starts shrinking until she is only ten inches high.
She now has the right size to enter the door, but she finds that the door is
still locked and that she has left the little golden key on the table, which is
now too high to reach.
She starts crying, but soon sees a
little glass box lying under the table containing a small cake marked with the
words ‘Eat me’. Hoping that this cake will make her grow or shrink too, she
eats it.
2: The Pool of Tears
Suddenly Alice finds herself growing
and she continues growing until she reaches the ceiling. Now she is able to get
the key from the table, but again she is too big to fit through the door. This
situation makes her cry and she cries until there is a large pool all round
her, which reaches half down the hall.
The White Rabbit returns, now
splendidly dressed and carrying a pair of white kid gloves and a large fan.
Alice asks him for help, but the Rabbit is so frightened that he drops the
gloves and fan and runs away. Alice picks them up and starts fanning herself
while she wonders what it is that has made this day so different from every
other. She decides that she must have been changed into another girl in the
night as she can’t remember her multiplication tables or geography correctly
and isn’t able to recite a poem properly.
The fanning makes Alice shrink again
until she is two feet high. She tries again to enter the door but it is still
locked and the key is still lying on the table. Then she slips and falls into
her own pool of tears.
She encounters a Mouse who fell into
the pool too, but she frightens him when she starts talking about her cat Dinah
and a dog. He promises her to tell her why he hates cats and dogs and they swim
to the shore, taking other creatures that fell into the pool too with them.
3: A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
As all creatures are wet they start
thinking of a way to get dry. The Mouse tries telling them the ‘driest story’
he knows, but as this doesn’t work they decide to have a Caucus-race. The Dodo
draws a circle in which they all start running at random.
After half an hour they are quite
dry and the race is over. The Dodo decides that everyone has won and all must
have prizes. They look to Alice for these, and she hands around comfits, which
she finds in her pocket. The Mouse thinks she must have a prize herself and she
is presented her own thimble.
Then the Mouse begins to tell its
long and sad tale, which in Alice's mind has the shape of a real tail. When no
one pays attention he becomes angry and leaves. The other creatures leave too
when Alice begins talking about her cat again.
4: The Rabbit sends in a Little Bill
The White Rabbit returns, looking
for his fawn and gloves. Alice wants to help but finds that the hall has
vanished. When the Rabbit sees Alice he mistakes her for his maid, Mary Ann,
and orders her to go home and get him a pair of gloves and a fan.
Alice enters his house and finds
another bottle marked ‘Drink me’. She drinks it, hoping it makes her larger. It
does, but it makes her so large that she fills the whole room.
The Rabbit angrily comes looking for
her and when he tries to get through the window Alice knocks him down with her
hand. He orders Pat to get the arm out of his window and Alice knocks them down
again. Bill the lizard is sent down the chimney, but Alice kicks him out with
her foot. Finally they throw a barrowful of pebbles in through the window,
which change into cakes. Alice eats one and shrinks until she is small enough
to get through the door.
She runs off past the group of
animals into a thick wood. There, Alice finds a Puppy. She throws a stick
because she wants to play with it, quite forgetting that she is now much
smaller than the Puppy. She has to run away to avoid being trampled under its
Alice manages to escape and starts
searching for something to eat which will make her grow back to her proper
size. When she looks on top of a mushroom she sees a Caterpillar sitting on it
while smoking a hookah.
5: Advice from a Caterpillar
The Caterpillar asks Alice who she
is. She answers that she doesn’t know because she has changed so many times
that day. A brief conversation follows, during which Alice gets a little
irritated because the Caterpillar is rather crusty and keeps making very short
remarks. Alice tells him that she can’t remember things as she used to, so the
Caterpillar asks her to repeat ‘You are old, Father William’, which comes out
all wrong when she tries.
Alice starts complaining that she is
too small and the Caterpillar advises her to eat from the mushroom: one side
will make her grow taller and the other side will make her grow shorter. Then
he crawls away. Not knowing which side makes her grow, Alice tries one part
which makes her shrink until her head hits her feet. Quickly she eats from the
other part which makes her grow until her head and neck rise far above the
Because of her long neck a pigeon
mistakes her for a serpent in search of her eggs. Alice succeeds in convincing
it that she is only a little girl and eats again from the mushroom until she is
reduced to her normal size. She walks on and reaches an open place in the woods
with a little house in it. As she is too big to enter, she eats from the
mushroom to bring herself down to the right size.
6: Pig and Pepper
As Alice stands in front of the
house, a fish-like footman comes out of the forest, knocks on the door and a
frog-like footman opens. The fish-footman delivers an invitation from the Queen
for the Duchess to play croquet and leaves. The frog-footman sits on the ground
outside the house.
Alice walks to the door and knocks,
but the footman tells her that it is no use knocking as he is on the same side
of the door and they’re making too much noise in the house to hear her anyway.
Eventually Alice opens the door herself.
She finds herself in a large kitchen
with the Duchess nursing a baby, a grinning Cat and a cook who is making soup.
There is so much pepper in the air that everyone but the Cook and the Cat has
to sneeze, and the baby howls continuously. The Duchess tells Alice that the
Cat grins because it’s a Cheshire Cat.
At once the cook starts throwing
everything within her reach at the Duchess and the baby. The Duchess doesn’t
seem to mind and continues nursing the baby in a very cruel way. Because she
has to get ready to play croquet she throws the baby to Alice who takes it
outside to save it from being killed. The baby starts grunting, turns into a
pig and runs into the woods.
Alice notices the Cheshire Cat
sitting on a branch of a tree and asks it which way she should go. It tells her
that the March Hare and the Mad Hatter live near and disappears suddenly. It
reappears to ask a question and then disappears again. Alice decides to visit
the March Hare. The Cat appears for the third time, but as Alice tells him to
stop appearing and vanishing so suddenly he vanishes slowly this time, leaving
only his grin behind. Alice reaches the house of the Hare, but because the
house is rather big she first eats a little from the mushroom.
7: A Mad Tea-Party
Alice sees a large table set out
under a tree in front of the house. The March Hare and the Mad Hatter are
having tea at it and a Dormouse is sitting between them, fast asleep. Alice
sits down in a chair, although the Hare and Hatter tell her there’s no room.
The Hare offers her some wine, but
there is only tea. When she protests that it isn't civil to offer wine when
there isn't any, he replies that it wasn't very civil of her to sit down
uninvited. The Hatter tells her she needs a haircut and asks the riddle
"why is a raven like a writing-desk?" Alice says that she believes
she can guess that, and the others begin to ridicule her by starting a
discussion about semantics.
The Hatter asks her what day of the
month it is. His watch doesn’t tell the time but the day of the month, and the
Hatter claims that it is two days wrong. Alice thinks it odd to have a watch
that tells the day of the month but not the hour.
Then the Hatter asks if she has come
up with an answer to the riddle. She hasn’t, and the Hatter and the Hare say
they don't know the answer either. Alice tells them they shouldn't waste time
by asking riddles with no answers. The Hare replies that Time is a him and not
an it. The Hatter tells Alice that if she were on good terms with him, he would
do whatever she liked with the clock. The Hatter tells her that he quarrelled
with Time last March when he was singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little
bat" at a concert given by the Queen of Hearts, and now it is forever six
o'clock. As this is teatime they must always have tea and thus they never have
time to wash the cups, so they just keep moving around the table to a new set
of places.
Alice, the Hare and the Hatter wake
the Dormouse and ask him to tell them a story. He tells them a story about the
sisters Elsie, Lacie and Tillie who lived at the bottom of a treacle well and
learned to draw things starting with an M. Alice keeps interrupting the story
so the others make rude remarks to her. Finally she becomes really offended and
walks away.
Alice notices a tree with a door in
it, and when she enters it she finds herself in the long hallway with the glass
table. She takes the key and unlocks the door, eats from the mushroom to make
herself smaller and is finally able to enter the beautiful garden.
8: The Queen's Croquet-Ground
Alice comes upon a rose-tree with
white roses. Three gardeners are painting them red. Alice asks them why and
they explain that they planted the white roses by mistake and the Queen will
cut off their heads for that. So they try to hide the mistake by painting them.
At that moment the procession of the
Queen arrives, which is made up almost entirely of playing cards. The Queen
severely asks Alice who she is, but she is not afraid and makes the Queen angry
by making a rude remark. The Queen shouts 'Off with her head!’ but Alice
replies that this is nonsense and the Queen is silent. She notices what the
gardeners have been doing and orders their beheading. They are saved by Alice
who hides them in a flowerpot.
The Queen invites Alice to play
croquet with them and she joins the procession. She notices that the White
Rabbit is in the procession too and he tells her that the Duchess is under
sentence of execution. The game begins and Alice is surprised by the
croquet-ground; the balls are live hedgehogs, the mallets live flamingos, and
the soldiers make the arches. Alice tries to manage her hedgehog and flamingo,
while the arches are constantly wandering away and everyone is playing without
waiting for their turns, quarrelling, and fighting for the hedgehogs. All this
makes the Queen furious and she constantly orders the beheading of people.
The Cheshire Cat appears and Alice
starts complaining. The King notices the Cat, follows the advice of the Queen
to behead it and walks off to get the executioner. Alice attempts to continue
with the game, but eventually returns to the Cheshire Cat.
There’s a large crowd around it now,
and the executioner, the King, and the Queen are having a dispute whether the
Cat can be beheaded as they can only see it’s head but no body. Alice tells
them that they should ask the Duchess about it, so the Queen orders the
executioner to get her out of prison. The Cheshire Cat starts fading and when
the Duchess arrives he has disappeared.
9: The Mock Turtle’s Story
Alice walks off with the Duchess,
who is in a very good mood now. She keeps attaching arbitrary morals to
everything and seems to agree with everything Alice says. Alice politely tries
to tolerate her presence, although she keeps digging her sharp chin in to her
Then the Queen suddenly appears. The
Duchess takes off and Alice returns to the game. When the Queen has ordered so
many beheadings that only she, Alice and the King are left, she takes Alice to
the Mock Turtle. While walking, Alice hears the King pardoning all the
They come upon a Gryphon and the
Queen tells him to take Alice to the Mock Turtle to hear his history. When they
arrive he is sitting sadly on a rock, sighing loudly. Alice asks what his
sorrow is, and the Gryphon answers that he has none.
The Mock Turtle starts telling his
history which is interrupted by sobbings and long pauses. He tells how he once
was a real turtle and went to school at the bottom of the sea where his master
was an old turtle called Tortoise and he took courses like Reeling and
10: The Lobster Quadrille
The Gryphon and the Mock Turtle
explain to Alice what sort of dance a Lobster Quadrille is and start dancing
around her while the Mock Turtle sings the words.
When they’re finished they ask Alice
to tell her story. She tells them about her curious day and when she gets to
the part about her repeating `You are old, Father William' to the Caterpillar
they interrupt her and make her repeat ‘Tis the voice of the Sluggard’, which
comes out all wrong too. Then they ask the Mock Turtle to sing ‘Turtle Soup’
for them. He is interrupted with a cry in the distance: 'The trial's
beginning!’ Alice and the Gryphon run away and leave the Mock Turtle alone,
still singing.
11: Who Stole the Tarts?
Upon arrival Alice sees the King and
Queen of Hearts sitting on their throne, with a great crowd assembled about
them. The Knave is standing before them in chains and the White Rabbit has a
trumpet in one hand and a scroll of parchment in the other. In the middle of
the court is a table with a large dish of tarts upon it. While waiting for the
trial to begin, Alice looks around and notices that the King is the judge and
that the jurors are not very smart.
The White Rabbit starts reading the
accusation; he claims that the Knave of Hearts stole the tarts. The King wants
the jury to consider their verdict, but the Rabbit tells him that they should
have the witnesses first.
The first witness is the Mad Hatter,
accompanied by the March Hare and the Dormouse. Alice feels that she is
starting to grow again. The Hatter gives no evidence so they move on to the
next witness. The next witness is the Duchess’ cook and she is being
cross-examined. She testifies that tarts are made mostly of pepper. To her
great surprise Alice herself is being called as the third witness.
12: Alice’s Evidence
In the meantime Alice has grown so
much that she upsets the jury box when she gets up. She hastily tries to put
them back into their places. She tells the King that she knows nothing about
the stolen tarts, which he considers very important. The White Rabbit has to
correct him again.
Then the King reads from his
notebook, stating that all persons more than a mile high must leave the court.
Alice refuses to leave because she suspects that he made up the rule, and the
King tells the jury to consider their verdict.
Then the White Rabbit brings in a
letter, which serves as evidence. The letter contains a verse, written in
someone else’s handwriting, which clears up nothing at all. However, the King
thinks that it is important but Alice corrects him and explains why the verse
proves nothing. Eventually the King asks the jury for the third time to
consider a verdict, and now the Queen contradicts him and says that there
should be a sentence first and a verdict afterwards.
Alice isn’t afraid to contradict her
anymore, as she has grown to her full size now, and tells them that they’re
nothing but a pack of cards. At this point the whole pack rises up into the air
and comes flying down upon her. She tries to beat them off but finds herself
lying on the bank, with her head in the lap of her sister, who is brushing away
some dead leaves that fell down from the trees upon her face.
Alice realises that everything was a
dream and tells her adventures to her sister. As Alice runs off for the tea,
her sister thinks about the dream and falls asleep herself, and dreams the same
dream as Alice. She continues to dream about how her little sister will
eventually become herself a grown woman and how she will always keep the simple
and loving heart of her childhood.
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